Tuesday, November 25, 2008

increase internet speed in windows xp

increase internet speed in windows xp

If you use Windows XP Professional then it is possible to squeeze an extra 20% out of your internet connection. By default Windows XP Pro holds back 20% of your Internet speed for various services like windows update and spyware checks.

If you want to tap into this locked speed then make the following changes:

1. Go to Start-> Run-> and type gpedit.msc
2. Expand the Administrative Templates branch
3. Expand the Network tab
4. Highlight QoS Packet Scheduler
5. Click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth and check the enabled box
6. Then Change the Bandwidth limit % to 0 %

Once you have done this click apply and restart your PC. After rebooting you should see a noticeable improvement in your net speed.

Click here to check the bandwidth (do it before and after :) )

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Make the folder INVISIBLE without any software

  • Make a new folder

  • Now rename the folder with a space(U have to hold ALT key and type 0160 ;use num pad ;num lock should be off ).

  • folder>properties>customize. Click on change icon.

  • Click on any one of them.

  • click ok

Thats it,now u can store ur personal data without any tools

Monday, November 17, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Keyfinder Thing

KeyFinder Thing is a simple utility to retrieve the Serial numbers or CD Keys of Microsoft software installed on your system. It includes options to export the list of found keys and a search option to find keys not included by default.
Version 3.1.6 has added software: Belarc Advisor, added software: SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition, added software: Smart Projects ISOBuster, added software: Indigo Rose Setup Factory 6, added software: Office Pro Plus 2007 Beta, added option to export to HTML Removed views option, added more details to existing software, fixed bug in Copy Key Toolbar button where no item was selected. Removed 16 x 16 images all image 32 x 32 (tile display only) Support for Windows Vista.

License: : FREE
Download it
Requirements: Windows Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server, MS .NET FX 2.0
size :195.58K

Friday, November 7, 2008

Unhide the Administrator Account

  • Launch Registry Editor.
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList in the Registry Editor.
  • Double-click the Administrator key in the right pane.(doesn’t exist , create it )
  • Edit the value 0 t0 1

or download the file and merge it

Thursday, November 6, 2008


The clipboard is a software facility that can be used for short-term data storage and/or data transfer between documents or applications, via copy and paste operations. It is most commonly a part of a GUI environment and is usually implemented as an anonymous, temporary block of memory that can be accessed from most or all programs within the environment via defined programming interfaces. A typical application accesses clipboard functionality by mapping user input (keybindings, menu selections, etc.) to these interfaces.
The contents of the clipboard can be viewed at any time by using the Clipboard Viewer.
To display the clipboard content, user can do it by running clipbrd.exe and it will show you the clipboard content once it is launched. Clipbrd.exe comes together with Windows XP and it is located under \WINDOWS\system32
1) Right click on the free area on desktop, then New->Shortcut.
2) on the ‘Create Shortcut window’ ,, type: "clipbrd.exe " and click Next>Finish
To view the content of your clipboard, just double click this shortcut and it will display the clipboard content immediately.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Recover files from damaged or corruptedCD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-Ray disks

CD Recovery Toolbox tool was developed for recovering damaged files from different disk types: CD, DVD,HD DVD, Blue-Ray, etc. You can use it to restore information lost as a result of some mechanical damage of the disk (scratches, chips, different spots on the surface) or as a result of incorrect recording. Thus, the program can recover data that was considered lost. The CD Recovery Toolbox Free tool scans any CD and DVD disks and finds files and folders located there. We should mention that there can be some information on the disk that cannot be recovered. Not all of the files and folders can be found - that depends on the degree and location of the damage. Therefore, the CD Recovery Toolbox Free tool finds the possible maximum amount of information. After that, it shows a list of all files and folders available for recovery. Now the user can select the files and folders to be recovered. Those specific objects will be recovered while the others will be ignored. The program recovers the maximum amount of information in the damaged file. This reduces the risk of data loss considerably.
Program features:

  1. Recovering information from any CD and DVD disks
  2. Recovering files larger than 4 Gb
  3. Detecting possible lack of free space on the hard disk for storing the recovered files

Download it SIZE :662 KB ( free for use)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Google Talk:Login as Multiple Users

Many users, including myself, like to have several different personalities on IM–Work, play, etc. By default google talk with only allow you to run instance of the program at a time. Here’s how to get around that…
Run google talk with the following switch: /nomutex
If you installed google talk to the default location, you can easily create a shortcut to this setting.

1. Right-click on the desktop
2. Select New3. Select Shortcut
4. Paste this into the text box: "c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe" /nomutex
5. Click Next
6. Name it whatever: Google Talk Multiple, etc.
7. Click OK until you are done.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Task Manager

task manager window

keyword : taskmgr.exe

key : Ctrl + Shift + Esc or Alt + Ctrl + Delete

Task Manager provides information about programs and processes running on your computer.It also displays the most commonly used performance measures for processes.You can use Task Manager to monitor key indicators of your computer's performance. You can see the status of the programs that are running and end programs that have stopped responding. You can also assess the activity of running processes using as many as fifteen parameters, and see graphs and data on CPU and memory usage.In addition, if you are connected to a network, you can view network status and see how your network is functioning.If you have more than one user connected to your computer, you can see who is connected, what they are working on, and you can send them a message.
Programs that are running
The Applications tab shows the status of the programs running on your computer. On this tab, you can end, switch to, or start a program.To end a program select program name or right click > end task

Processes that are running
The Processes tab shows information about the processes running on your computer.
For example, you can display information on CPU and memory usage, page faults, handle count, and a number of other parameters.

DeepMonitor (size 285kb) to Detect Hidden Process

DeepMonitor is an hidden process detector, for Windows XP SP2 only, defeating most of rootkits technologies. It can also detect some hidden injected modules techniques. Although it is very good in detecting hidden process, this tool can’t tell you if a normal running process that can be seen at Windows Task Manager is dangerous or not. Let’s take svch0st.exe for an example. By looking at the filename, it is obviously a virus or spyware because the letter O has been replaced by the number zero (0). If you run DeepMonitor, it will also show scvh0st.exe but it will not warn you because it is not a hidden process.
click here to download DeepMonitor

Performance measures
The Performance tab displays a dynamic overview of your computer's performance, including:
Graphs for CPU and memory usage. Totals for the number of handles, threads, and processes running on your computer.Totals, in kilobytes, for physical, kernel, and commit memory.
Viewing Network performance
The Networking tab displays a graphical representation of network performance. It provides a simple, qualitative indicator that shows the status of the network(s) that are running on your computer. The Networking tab is displayed only if a network card is present. On this tab, you can view the quality and availability of your network connection, whether you are connected to one or more than one network.